Our puppy made out good from Santa!
All the decorations are down (except for the cool live wreath) and things are returning to normal. Christmas was a lot of fun and the kids got to make Gingerbread cookies which was a total blast. The last minute rush is what gets to me the most and I'm so relieved when it's over.......I know, that if I didn't wait until the last minute it wouldn't be that way......next year......I will plan better.......
Zack is home from the hospital and doing much better although a complete recovery is going to take a few weeks. Having been a very active kid before the infection that is probably going to be the hardest thing for him, staying off of his feet for awhile.
I haven't had a chance to get back to the torch yet but, hope to within the next couple of days. More rings are in the works. Both glass and metal. I also got some new metal smithing toys for Christmas, and am chomping at the bit to try those out.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and is looking forward to the coming New Year. We have already started our new years (life) resolutions early. We just didn't see any reason to wait until then, since it's for the better.
All done!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Prayers For Zack
My friends son has a bacterial infection that's so bad it put him in the hospital. He's going to be in for at least the rest of the week while they try and figure out which antibiotic to put him on and make sure it doesn't come back. What started as a pain in his ankle (thought it was a sprain), turned into a fever and vomiting (thought it was the flu) and then him screaming about the pain in his leg. At his second Dr. appointment they finally told the parents to take him to the ER. I took her other 2 (kids) for the day and night. She has great kids who happen to be great friends with my boys. And I think She and I are kindred spirits. She has been run through the ringer and the ringer isn't over yet. The scariest part about all of this, is that they just don't know how these kinds of infections get started. The aren't contagious and just seem to happen at random and they are serious enough to kill someone. Zack we are praying for you to get better soon!!
I did squeeze in a little time at the torch this afternoon. The boys started Winter break with a half day today but it didn't take long for them to interrupt me a half dozen times while I was torching. That cut my session short, while I looked for the duck tape (kidding). The chilly pouring rain and wind didn't help. They are getting pretty excited as we approach the home stretch of the Christmas countdown (EEEEEK!!!). I'm still not quite ready but I'm working on it.
Tomorrow I'm supposed to head out with my Mom but we haven't confirmed it yet. Maybe I'll be able to finish up...........
A couple of pictures of auctions starting tomorrow night.
Have a good one!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The Stress
Of Christms coming is really kind of funny. The kids look forward to it and most of the adults can hardly wait for it to get over (me included). This year I'm a little less stressed, even though we have less money (thanks to my ex) but I'm really excited for the kids. We bought a couple of cool things that they are really going to love, so I think getting a little less this year won't be noticed.
I braved the crowds today to get a tumbler that I've needed for quite a while. Harbor Freight has them on sale and I have to say that while it's not my favorite store to go to. It does have lots of goodies for artists of all kinds. I have 2 butterfly necklaces that I have been holding off selling for a few months because I think that they could use a little tumble to harden the silver a little and shine things up. I'm rather proud of these two pieces and entered one of the in the FMG contest but unfortunately I missed the deadline (have I mentioned that I procrastinate a bit sometimes?). They have a new contest going but I don't know if I want to try and enter is again. I'll see how I feel after a good tumble. I did, however, forget to get stainless steel shot for it so that will have to wait until later in the week.
I have 8 glass rings waiting to be cleaned. I'm really liking them. Especially the frogs. They are a lot of fun to make. The ladies are too but there's just something about those little froggies. I also tried to do a man ring too. I think he turned out pretty well, right down to his.......hmmm......jewels.
The ornaments I'm going to continue making throughout the year. The are fun and not particularly Christmas themed. I think they would work great for Spring too, because of the flowers.
The boys have a day and a half of school to go and then they are out for a 2 week winter break. I always look forward to this because is means we are almost half way through the school year. Boy is time flying!!
That's it for now.
Friday, December 14, 2007
A Note.....
I was going to start this out with a rant/note on deadbeat Dads........but I think that in the end Karma will catch up with them.........moving on.........
Rings have been a thing for me for as long as I can remember. I love rings in general but particularly unique, cool, out of the ordinary rings. I have gone back to lampworking rings and boy did I forget what fun I've been missing out on. Frogs and the female form. Maybe a flower or two. The down side is that I need to get more mandrels. I only have 4 and they range in size from 6 to 11-1/2. I'm going to have to pick up a few more after Christmas. In the meantime I try to make 4 a day which is difficult with Christmas fast on my *ss. I'm still perfecting things so of the 4 usually two are worth putting up for sale. Still I can't complain it's really a blast and I love the attention I get when I wear a frog ring.
I started Christmas shopping today. I told my Mom that I was getting a "jump" on things and she reminded me that getting a jump on things would have been a month ago.....oh well. I hope to be done before the end of next week, if not sooner.
I'm still looking forward to Christmas but, I'm trying to simplify it and not get so stressed over the whole thing (dead beat Dads do not help with this). No matter what, the kids are always happy and have a wonderful time. So I'm trying to "flow downstream" which helps a lot but is also a new learning experience. Remember the book I told you about....Ask & It Is Given (Jerry & Esther Hicks).....if you read it you'll understand. It helps a ton, in that, I don't lay awake at night worrying about everything but I still have a lot of work to do to reach the desired goal.
Anyway enough for tonight. Check out some new auctions (Rings) on Ebay and I finally got those ornaments listed.
Enjoy your night!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A Couple Of Ornaments.....
Should be up for auction later today. The one I did in white I ended up chalking and I'm not really pleased with the results. That one will end up on my tree. But I do have 2 that I think turned out quite nicely and those will be up for auction later today. I still have a few more in the works but those are my night time projects. I've been messing with the glass during the morning hours and will be listing some cool frog rings and a few more beadies either today or tomorrow.
Lots to do today. Have a good one & stay warm!!!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
And More Snow.......
We are being hit again with the white stuff. It's just a light dusting right now & looks to be slowing down. I'm hoping that will be it for the day. With only a little over a week until Winter Break I'm hoping we don't get enough to keep them out of school. Alternate bus routes also keep them home but those days they don't have to make up at the end of the year. Since we are on a hill it's not possible for me to drive them to the alternate stop when the roads are snowy/icy.
I've been working a little here and there on lampwork, ornaments & jewelry. Yesterday I worked mostly on getting a spot cleared for the Christmas Tree. The boys can hardly wait! They picked out the tree yesterday and it's now waiting on our deck for it's esteemed spot in the house and to be decorated.
Christmas is quickly sneaking up, with only a couple of more weeks to go. You can feel the tension/excitement in the kids mounting by the day. I still have a bit of shopping to do, but have lists to work off of, which helps a lot.
Do you like the sampling of ornaments?
Enjoy your Sunday!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Hibiscus & A Ring
My flower bloomed. Isn't it pretty! I love hibiscus and have a couple of ornaments made with a hibiscus theme. I also finished another ring. This one with peruvian opal and lavender pearls. I really like the copper but I do have some sterling around and might try a couple in that, maybe with some bone faces.
Tonight is book club. The book we read is The Skeeter Daddle Diaries~Reflections of a South End Nettle Farmer. A funny book with bits and pieces of one of the local (Camano Island) artist. This is a hard to find book if you decide to look for it. The author is Jack Archibald. A good read and my copy is autographed, Thanks Auntie!!!
Today I started making room for a Christmas Tree. We are going to be getting one this weekend. This is probably the last year we will buy a real tree. I'm ready to go with a "fakie" for convience, time, $$ and the hoard of pine needles that don't shed all over the floor. We will be checking those clearance sales after the 25th.
I'm really looking forward to the end of the week. It seemed to be a long one.......
Monday, December 03, 2007
Stormy Weather.......And More
Stormy weather. So far, so good, we haven't lost power & things seem to be calming down a little but I hear another round is coming. School was normal so the kids were bummed, plus the snow was, pretty much, completely gone since it was 54 degrees this morning and actually stayed pretty mild all day.
Happy Birthday to Brandy today. She's 19. I can hardly believe it!
A couple of Tassel Ladies up on Ebay too. I didn't have a chance to list anything else yet but hopefully I won't have any running around to do tomorrow, outside of the house that is.
I hope you're all having a great Monday!!
See ya tomorrow!
Sunday, December 02, 2007
What a way to start December. We got about 6 inches of snow!! It's a slushy mess now but the kids thought it was fun while it lasted. They are now hoping that they will have a delayed school day tomorrow but I told them not to get their hopes up because it looks like the snow will be mostly gone by tomorrow and then a wind storm is moving in, happy day (not). I would almost prefer the snow over the wind but I'm happy if the power doesn't go out for a long period of time. I really am a modern day girl who prefers electricity to darkness. We do have a wonderful wood stove for heat though so that makes things much nicer in the Winter.
I'm chalking my ornament and am really pleased with the results. I now have to figure out how to seal it and not get the sealer on the glass. I'm working on some more for Ebay & Etsy. I don't know what it is about Hibiscus but I really love them. Since I don't live in a tropical area but I would love to, if the opportunity ever comes along. I keep a plant in my bedroom and it does wonderfully because of all the light. I'll take a picture of the next flower that blooms, which should be in a day or two.
I also have some of my Tassel Babes ready to go up for auction. I don't know what people will think but I love them!!! I haven't seen anything quite like them and it's always cool to think that I might have come up with a totally original design.
Time for bed. Have a relaxing Sunday evening.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Hibiscus Ornament
Clay is cool!!! No special equipment required. Just your hands and your imagination. I still haven't decided what to use as far as color goes but I'm going to start experimenting tomorrow. More polymer ornaments to come.
I have to say that in the aftermath of the monster. I think my niece will make a fine recovery. The adults, however, may suffer for the rest of their lives. Sometimes we forget how resilient children are and that, for the most part, they tend to just want to move ahead. She will need counseling and lots of understanding but she is a bright and precocious girl and I'm pretty sure that because of how young she is she will make a full recovery. To my sister who is dealing with it.....WE ARE THERE FOR YOU!!!!
Art is a wonderful stress reliever (wine too, but not necessarily for the better). Art is my preferred. I'm loving the glass too these days, and have a hard time not jumping from one to the other. I do sometimes consider that maybe, I should go and get help to focus (could I be a victim of ADD?) but for the most part I think that with 4 kids (3, kinda since the oldest is almost 19) my attention gets spread pretty thin so jumping around feels "normal". Next year, when my youngest starts school, I will get to see if I can actually get to focus for more than an hour at a time. Until then I'll take what I can get and go with the flow.
All my boys are home this weekend and I'm happy about that!!! I haven't heard from my ex on taking my other 2 (boys) out and if I don't hear from him I don't go (too many let downs in the past) . They are happy to be home too, because the forecast is calling for snow, (I won't believe it until I see it) and we have some nice hills for sledding.
Hope you're having a relaxing Friday. Take care!!!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Brrrrrrr!! Snow Talk??
Seems a little early but they are talking snow already. The kids are hoping. If it does they are saying it will be Saturday, at least I won't have to go out.
I made a really cool ornament today out of polymer clay. I just haven't decided how I'm going to color it since it's made out of white clay.
We'll probably start decorating this weekend. Saturday is the 1st and I have a thing about waiting until December to put up decorations. The kids can hardly wait!!
I'm off to bed. I hope you all had a good day. Yeah, for TGIF tomorrow!!!
Sweet Dreams zzzzzzzzz
I made a really cool ornament today out of polymer clay. I just haven't decided how I'm going to color it since it's made out of white clay.
We'll probably start decorating this weekend. Saturday is the 1st and I have a thing about waiting until December to put up decorations. The kids can hardly wait!!
I'm off to bed. I hope you all had a good day. Yeah, for TGIF tomorrow!!!
Sweet Dreams zzzzzzzzz
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monsters Are Alive & Well
More about the Monster at the end of this post.....
My son Dakota, is an artist in his own right. The picture here is his Pipe Cleaner Band. Including both a piano, drums and 3 electric guitars. These are all his ideas & creations. I was floored when I saw the piano and drums plus the little guys playing them. He's been asking me to teach him to lampworking. Maybe this Spring, when I'm sure his grades are going to hold out for the rest of the year.
The Christmas rush is on. I'm already looking forward to December 26th. It's like the tension builds until Christmas and then we all explode in relief/happiness when it's over for another year.
I'm now thoroughly engrossed in a mix of wire, glass and polymer clay. I don't have any particular favorites at the moment. They are all equally FUN!! I'm really thinking about trying my hand at tutorials but have been so wrapped up with the creative part that they are on the backburner for now. My inspiration is Eni Oken and another artist on Etsy, I can't recall her name but she's fabulous too.
Unfortunately the Monster he was a member of our family (by marriage). A sick individual who has changed a child's life forever and we are hoping will suffer the worse consequence possible. In this day though they are usually put back on the street within a matter of years, months, sometimes even weeks and told to "register". My opinion is that they can NEVER be rehabilitated and should be put to death immediately after conviction. It would save the taxpayers and future victims so much money, time, trouble & pain............moving on now......
Saturday, November 24, 2007
We Spent Thanksgiving Doing......
Home repair. It started with a leak under the kitchen sink and ended up being, that leak, plus one under the house....arrrrrrgh!! Since then I have been without cold water in the kitchen. All of the hardware stores were closed on Thanksgiving and Jimmy had to work yesterday and today too. So we won't be able to complete the repairs until tonight/tomorrow. The biggest issue is that we are in an older mobile home and all the pipes are different from regular houses which makes tracking down the right size a little tougher.
I also got hooked on an older Zelda game (Windwalker). I really don't spend much time playing video games (I'm sure I mentioned that before). It can, literally, eat up hours/days/weeks of time and I really don't need to be doing that right now.
It has been freezing here too which keeps the beasties/kids in doors which can be a little distracting.
The elephant picture at the top is of some polymer beads I made several years ago. I'm still itching to dig into the clay and have lots to work with. The other two glass items are my most recent glass work.
I'm really trying hard to post regularly so check back when you can for updates.
Hope your having a great "leftover" Saturday!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I Had To Use........
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Is Your Turkey Thawing??
Mine is but I think I'm still going to have to get up at 4AM Thursday to get it in the oven. I was looking for a small turkey but was totally out of luck. Tomorrow I'm heading out to track down a spiral ham. Costco has yummy ones for a decent price but I think just about everyone has them on sale right now.
I'm trying to upload pictures for ya but now Blogger seems to be having some issues. I have two rings to show you and a dragon egg bracelet. All are up for auction on my Art Ebay if you can't wait to see them. I have been having a ball with the copper & have a wonderful assortment of pearls and various other stones that I've collected over the last few months.
I'm really in the mood to do a lot of creating lately but the Holidays are not cooperating, as in things are getting busier (go figure ;). I know if will slow a little at the tail end of the year but I'm really looking forward to Christmas for the kids. We got one of the gaming systems that I have been wanting right along with the kids (bet you can't/can guess which one it is). I'm not going to say on my site, just in case little eyes are looking. I'll fill you in the day after Christmas. On that note I spend very little time playing video games, they fill me with guilt because they are such a "time waster" and it's not like I don't have enough to do already....BUT boy are they FUN!!!
I'm meeting a friend for coffee in the morning and then finishing up Thanksgiving shopping so I'll try again to post pictures tomorrow.
Enjoy your evening!
I'm trying to upload pictures for ya but now Blogger seems to be having some issues. I have two rings to show you and a dragon egg bracelet. All are up for auction on my Art Ebay if you can't wait to see them. I have been having a ball with the copper & have a wonderful assortment of pearls and various other stones that I've collected over the last few months.
I'm really in the mood to do a lot of creating lately but the Holidays are not cooperating, as in things are getting busier (go figure ;). I know if will slow a little at the tail end of the year but I'm really looking forward to Christmas for the kids. We got one of the gaming systems that I have been wanting right along with the kids (bet you can't/can guess which one it is). I'm not going to say on my site, just in case little eyes are looking. I'll fill you in the day after Christmas. On that note I spend very little time playing video games, they fill me with guilt because they are such a "time waster" and it's not like I don't have enough to do already....BUT boy are they FUN!!!
I'm meeting a friend for coffee in the morning and then finishing up Thanksgiving shopping so I'll try again to post pictures tomorrow.
Enjoy your evening!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
It's So Quiet...
When the other kids are gone. Are you making your last minute prep's for Thanksgiving??
I haven't gotten the pictures of that ring yet but I do have another one almost done so I should have pictures of 2 on Monday. Tomorrow is the bead show with my Mom. It'll be fun!! We always have a good time together........Speaking of my Mom, my hair is almost halfway back. It's been a year since the big head shave and I thought I wouldn't consider doing it again but now that I'm at this point of regrowth I would consider it again for a good cause (like my Mom). You probably want to see a picture so I'll get one up when I can, in a pair of my groovy granny glasses (have I mentioned that I collect grannies, glasses that is).
I got a little lampworking done today & I think I have a new bead. It's along the tassle line of thinking. We'll see what comes out of the kiln tomorrow.
Time to go catch up on my DVR's of The Practice. Enjoy your Saturday!!
I haven't gotten the pictures of that ring yet but I do have another one almost done so I should have pictures of 2 on Monday. Tomorrow is the bead show with my Mom. It'll be fun!! We always have a good time together........Speaking of my Mom, my hair is almost halfway back. It's been a year since the big head shave and I thought I wouldn't consider doing it again but now that I'm at this point of regrowth I would consider it again for a good cause (like my Mom). You probably want to see a picture so I'll get one up when I can, in a pair of my groovy granny glasses (have I mentioned that I collect grannies, glasses that is).
I got a little lampworking done today & I think I have a new bead. It's along the tassle line of thinking. We'll see what comes out of the kiln tomorrow.
Time to go catch up on my DVR's of The Practice. Enjoy your Saturday!!
Friday, November 16, 2007
It's Friday!!!
Do you ever get tired of hearing about how I've been working on cleaning/clearing my house? I was going to start this post off with that but decided I'll save it for another time.....maybe with pictures.
This morning I was going to put in a session at the torch, but the more I thought about how much time I have before I need to run off to the school, I decided that it was best if I wait and maybe save it for tomorrow. Jim is taking Duncan to school today for Dad's & Donuts. A neat little thing the school has for spending a little time with their Dad (Father figure). They also do Mom's & Muffins later in the year. Pretty cool!
Speaking of Dads. The boys are off to their Dads again this weekend. I would say this is a good thing however if the past is an indication of things to come........well, lets just say that if I go into a tirade over my ex I'll be sitting here for awhile venting, so I'll just let it go for now. At least the boys are having fun for the moment.
I just finished another ring. This one is totally different from what I've been doing & follows in the footsteps of Eni again. I love her creative side!! I should have pictures of it tomorrow or Sunday. I'm starting another one this morning since lampworking is not going to happen.
Sunday is the bead show with my Mom & I'm really on the look out for some cool stones! Those are always fun!
Time to get on with my day! Enjoy your Friday!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I Taught A Class!!
If you consider one person a class. It was fun & I have a few things I need to work on but I don't think it went too badly.
There's a picture of my latest ring at the top of this post. SOLD (Thanks Debbie!), and I've really been into making these fantasy lilies and my little aromatherapy flowers. There are more rings to come soon.
One week until Thanksgiving. Are you ready for Turkey (or Ham)?? I love turkey & stuffing. We'll be staying home this year since Jimmy has to work. The kids really enjoy all the food & zoning all day.
The weather is cool & windy today. Doesn't look like rain, just overcast. Stay toasty today!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Good Morning!
Hope everyone had a nice weekend. We didn't get an extra day to sleep in but it was worth the appointment for my oldest son for his side ache. We ended up going down to Children's Hospital in Seattle. Wow, what a great place!! I was very impressed with the nurse practioner that saw him. She asked a lot of questions I'm pretty sure that we have the cause narrowed down and a lot of fiber and some extra therapy should take care of things but it's going to take a few months to get things back to normal.
I've finished one of the rings. I really like this one. It has a big heart shaped rose quartz with just a touch of beading. I should have some pictures tomorrow. I was going to put charms on it but changed my mind because I thought it would take away from the shape of the stone. I'm also in the middle of something different as far as rings go. I was inspired by Eni again and this one has a fushia turquoise stone in it. It's not quite done but should be finished tonight.
I'll be heading off to a gem show this weekend with my Mom. I love looking at and being inspired by all the goodies they have!
Today is a listing day for me and maybe I'll get the kiln going later.
Enjoy your Tuesday!!
I've finished one of the rings. I really like this one. It has a big heart shaped rose quartz with just a touch of beading. I should have some pictures tomorrow. I was going to put charms on it but changed my mind because I thought it would take away from the shape of the stone. I'm also in the middle of something different as far as rings go. I was inspired by Eni again and this one has a fushia turquoise stone in it. It's not quite done but should be finished tonight.
I'll be heading off to a gem show this weekend with my Mom. I love looking at and being inspired by all the goodies they have!
Today is a listing day for me and maybe I'll get the kiln going later.
Enjoy your Tuesday!!
Friday, November 09, 2007
New Vacuum
I haven't had a new vacuum in years. It's a bag less that you only need to replace the filter once a year, which will mean I'll probably need to replace it at least 3 times a year with all the kid/pet traffic. I used it for the first time yesterday and it really is nice. It definitely has more sucking power than anything else I've ever owned and a couple of the filters are rinsable, that's why they don't need to be replaced as often. It's called a Eureka EZ Kleen.
So I spent most of yesterday picking up and was only able to work on a couple of rings last night. I'm really looking forward to the weekend. We had a lot of school functions this week.
On the tea front Starbucks has their holiday tea out. It's called Joy and if you're really into good tea, I highly recommend it. It's one of my favorites & they only sell it for a limited time around the holidays. Stock up while you can.
A few more glass items above. I'm going to wire wrap the mushroom girl. Should be interesting.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Rush, Rush
Sorry about the rushed post the other day. I didn't realize how close it was for us to leave for the concert, which was great, btw.
I spent almost all of yesterday posting things to all but a new Etsy. I haven't gotten a link for it up yet either. This Etsy will be called YourCreativeSide and will have all of the art & craft items I've accumulated over the years & have finally decided to get rid of. Lots of books, patterns, fabric & the like.
In the meantime I'll post a few pictures of what is currently up. Today will be a pick up the house day & possibly some lampworking. I also have several larger size (8-10) rings in the works by special request. Sorry, to those who are waiting. The time factor on rings and various jewelry varies.
Last week was slow but this one is proving to be much faster.....is it Thursday already??
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
First Big Concert!!
I actually have a couple of pictures for you tonight. They're most'ly of Halloween but I'm going to throw in a couple of up coming auctions too. But it could also be Etsy or Just Beads....I'm working on that......just haven't made up my mind yet. seee pictures.....
Mostly of the little gouls.....I have to run to the concert.....more tomorrow....
Take care!!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Happy After Halloween!!!
Halloween was a raging success!!! The kids got lots of goodies & the grown-ups got good conversation. Now Christmas is hot on the trail (EEEEEEKKKKKK!!!) I think that's scarrier than Halloween......
Two of my boys are gone for the weekend. With their Dad that they haven't seen in months....GRRRRRRRR......that's a whole other story. I just hope they have a good time while they're gone.
I have pictures to show you in my camera but they'll have to wait till tomorrow. My little guy is waiting for me to "sit" with him so he can touch my warm velour sweater. What can I say the little guy likes soft fuzzy things.
I'll chat at ya tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your evening.
Two of my boys are gone for the weekend. With their Dad that they haven't seen in months....GRRRRRRRR......that's a whole other story. I just hope they have a good time while they're gone.
I have pictures to show you in my camera but they'll have to wait till tomorrow. My little guy is waiting for me to "sit" with him so he can touch my warm velour sweater. What can I say the little guy likes soft fuzzy things.
I'll chat at ya tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your evening.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
I think my 4 year old is going to explode from happiness over the fact that today is Halloween. It's been a busy week already with school conferences, listing items & making more jewelry & beads. I don't expect things to slow down anytime soon. I can't believe that it will be November tomorrow and the first quarter of the school year is coming to a close. It has really been a good year for the boys & Connor can hardly wait to start school next Fall. By then I will be working full time as an artist, whoooo hooooo!!!!!
I know I promised pictures of jewelry and stuff but my camera keeps filling up with the other things I'm clearing out of the house. Please keep watching though. I should have some pic's up before the weekend (of my trick or treaters too).
I'm just loving what I'm doing & my new lampwork area is wonderful. It still needs a couple of tweaks but otherwise it's more efficient that what I was working at before.
The weather has definetly turned cold & frosty, but I'm trying to not yearn for Spring already......sorry the cold is my least favorite thing about this time of the year. I'm still loving the book "Ask & It Is Given", by Jerry & Esther Hicks. We had a wonderful time at the book club and have all decided to move on to other types of books now that we found the "perfect" self help book of all time (our opinion, of course & how can 5 women be wrong??? ; ) ).
Time to move on with my day! Enjoy yours!!!
I know I promised pictures of jewelry and stuff but my camera keeps filling up with the other things I'm clearing out of the house. Please keep watching though. I should have some pic's up before the weekend (of my trick or treaters too).
I'm just loving what I'm doing & my new lampwork area is wonderful. It still needs a couple of tweaks but otherwise it's more efficient that what I was working at before.
The weather has definetly turned cold & frosty, but I'm trying to not yearn for Spring already......sorry the cold is my least favorite thing about this time of the year. I'm still loving the book "Ask & It Is Given", by Jerry & Esther Hicks. We had a wonderful time at the book club and have all decided to move on to other types of books now that we found the "perfect" self help book of all time (our opinion, of course & how can 5 women be wrong??? ; ) ).
Time to move on with my day! Enjoy yours!!!
Monday, October 22, 2007
New & Improved
The whole house & household is moving in the improved direction. I can hardly wait to start showing you some of the new things I have been working on!
We did spend the weekend getting my & now Jim's office up and running. My lampwork area should be much more efficient & the only thing holding back Jim is that we haven't been able to get his computer to link to the Internet. That's a total head scratcher for me, not that I'm very knowledgeable in that area, but I did figure out why the new sound card wouldn't install. Hope fully we should have the Internet bug figured out by the end of the week.
I'm reading the best book, so far, from my book club. The title is "Ask & It Is Given". It's about changing the whole direction of your life with how you think. I highly recommend it. More on that later.
Tonight I just wanted to let you know that some things are changing around here and you should be seeing the results of that shortly.
Stay tuned for the new improved version of everything in my life!!!!
We did spend the weekend getting my & now Jim's office up and running. My lampwork area should be much more efficient & the only thing holding back Jim is that we haven't been able to get his computer to link to the Internet. That's a total head scratcher for me, not that I'm very knowledgeable in that area, but I did figure out why the new sound card wouldn't install. Hope fully we should have the Internet bug figured out by the end of the week.
I'm reading the best book, so far, from my book club. The title is "Ask & It Is Given". It's about changing the whole direction of your life with how you think. I highly recommend it. More on that later.
Tonight I just wanted to let you know that some things are changing around here and you should be seeing the results of that shortly.
Stay tuned for the new improved version of everything in my life!!!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
The Winds Of Change
Windy season has hit here & it's a little early. As the winds are blowing outside the winds of change are blowing inside. Jimmy & I have been in the middle of a reorganization of the house. He has been doing a big remodel for the job he's on and one of the fringe benefits has been to get some of there office furniture that was no longer needed & a couple of computers. This has led to a major overhaul of my office/work area, that has seriously eaten into my creative time. On the good side I will be much more efficient when we have finished, which will hopefully be this weekend.
Dakota's side ache is doing much better but we still don't know what the problem is. I'm beginning to suspect a food sensitivity of some kind. The ultrasound & blood work came back fine so the next step is a gastroentrologist.
Today is my voluteer day at the school. I really look forward to it. It's fun to watch Duncan & Connor is spending time at the neighbors. We are trading days. I take her little girl on Thurdays.
Halloween is quickly sneaking up on us & the kids can hardly wait. I'm a little concered about the weather but hopefully it won't be too wet & rainy.
I do have some listings up on both Ebays. Lots of neck ties if you'r into those at an excellent price. Take a peek if you have the time.
Enjoy your Friday, I should have some pictures of my new office up soon.
Dakota's side ache is doing much better but we still don't know what the problem is. I'm beginning to suspect a food sensitivity of some kind. The ultrasound & blood work came back fine so the next step is a gastroentrologist.
Today is my voluteer day at the school. I really look forward to it. It's fun to watch Duncan & Connor is spending time at the neighbors. We are trading days. I take her little girl on Thurdays.
Halloween is quickly sneaking up on us & the kids can hardly wait. I'm a little concered about the weather but hopefully it won't be too wet & rainy.
I do have some listings up on both Ebays. Lots of neck ties if you'r into those at an excellent price. Take a peek if you have the time.
Enjoy your Friday, I should have some pictures of my new office up soon.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Consistency....I'm working on that. It's a hard one for me. I feel many passions in my life and I have a tendency to "jump" from one project to another, Yes, my kids are included (top priority) in that. They are my main projects however on the side I have all of my jewelry "stuff".
Right now/and always my kids are #1. My 12 year old has had a stomach problem, on and off for about a year. It hasn't been consistent but has finally caused enough havoc for him to miss school.....so I finally called the Dr. & made an appointment. They did an ultrasound the next day but I find out that it takes a few days for them to get the results back.....Dakota seems to be doing ok. He still has the pain but it isn't to the point of him being totally out of it, so I'll wait to see what the Dr. says with the results for the ultrasound. He seems to be doing better today.
Tomorrow I'm heading down to my Mom's to to do some errands & wait for the results, which should be in by the afternoon. If I haven't heard from them I'll be calling, for sure!!!
Anyway that's the update. I have quite a few things in the works but nothing quite finished (hopefully the end of this week). I'll keep you posted.
I promise that I'm trying to be more consistent.....
Right now/and always my kids are #1. My 12 year old has had a stomach problem, on and off for about a year. It hasn't been consistent but has finally caused enough havoc for him to miss school.....so I finally called the Dr. & made an appointment. They did an ultrasound the next day but I find out that it takes a few days for them to get the results back.....Dakota seems to be doing ok. He still has the pain but it isn't to the point of him being totally out of it, so I'll wait to see what the Dr. says with the results for the ultrasound. He seems to be doing better today.
Tomorrow I'm heading down to my Mom's to to do some errands & wait for the results, which should be in by the afternoon. If I haven't heard from them I'll be calling, for sure!!!
Anyway that's the update. I have quite a few things in the works but nothing quite finished (hopefully the end of this week). I'll keep you posted.
I promise that I'm trying to be more consistent.....
Thursday, September 20, 2007
From Cats to Dogs
I have been a cat person for as long as I can remember but within the last 9 months have become a dog person......well I think I like them both equally now. We started letting our Cocoa in when she broke her dog run chain. Jimmy said it would never work because she had spent the last 3 years of her life outside....well, she made the adjustment wonderfully. She still goes out during the day but I think as the weather gets colder she'll spend even more time in the house but, to be honest I love having her in. She does get in the way sometimes but she is my constant companion for the most part & she is a good girl.
I have been working on some jewelry this week but have yet to complete anything. I've also been listing neck ties. I have quite a collection of them & I need to clear them out. I still haven't made it back to the torch yet but hope to get there by the end of the weekend. The clay is calling ever since my Play Dough day (I'm coming!!!!).
And tomorrow I volunteer in one of the boys classes. At least it's a 3 day weekend for the school....maybe I'll get something finished.
Enjoy your evening :)
I have been working on some jewelry this week but have yet to complete anything. I've also been listing neck ties. I have quite a collection of them & I need to clear them out. I still haven't made it back to the torch yet but hope to get there by the end of the weekend. The clay is calling ever since my Play Dough day (I'm coming!!!!).
And tomorrow I volunteer in one of the boys classes. At least it's a 3 day weekend for the school....maybe I'll get something finished.
Enjoy your evening :)
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Clay Or Play Dough??
I was recently faced with that question from my 4 year old. Actually it wasn't really a question but him insisting that he needed to use my clay (polymer) instead of his playdough. After debating this with him for 20 minutes I got out some playdough and proceded to cover a little glass (heavy) jar with vines & pumpkins in orange & green. It worked great and convinced him that playdough was for him. Of course the vines & pumpkins began to fall off the next day as it was drying but now I've got all of the kids playing with playdough which is very cool!!! Even better I ended up teaching them all how to make pumpkins & calla lillies.
The school thing is really going well. I love getting up really early but am still working on schedualing my days better. I will be volunteering in Duncan's class on Fridays & Connor is going to love going to school & pretending that he's actually "going".
I haven't lampworked in a while. My cough is almost gone so I should be hitting the torch here in the next few days. I've also been working with wire & posting a few neckties & video games in my other ebay. It's time to start preparing for Christmas and getting rid of more stuff. You know it's closer than you think!
It's really starting to feel like Fall. It's been cloudy the last few days but not all that cool which is nice. Today it's actually raining which the weather guy didn't predict but it's still not all that cold. We have lots of blackberries & I've even made a crisp. Hopefully I can pick somemore before they start to mold.
Hope you're having a nice weekend.
Take care!
The school thing is really going well. I love getting up really early but am still working on schedualing my days better. I will be volunteering in Duncan's class on Fridays & Connor is going to love going to school & pretending that he's actually "going".
I haven't lampworked in a while. My cough is almost gone so I should be hitting the torch here in the next few days. I've also been working with wire & posting a few neckties & video games in my other ebay. It's time to start preparing for Christmas and getting rid of more stuff. You know it's closer than you think!
It's really starting to feel like Fall. It's been cloudy the last few days but not all that cool which is nice. Today it's actually raining which the weather guy didn't predict but it's still not all that cold. We have lots of blackberries & I've even made a crisp. Hopefully I can pick somemore before they start to mold.
Hope you're having a nice weekend.
Take care!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Back to School
Today was the boys second day of school. Things seem to be going well for both of them. Dakota is making the adjustment to middle school just fine. I always worry about the first day every year. In all of these years of having kids in school you think I'd be more relaxed but that's something I just haven't been able to shake. "The First Day Of School Jitters."
The fair was a blast! I have to dig the pictures out of my camera phone but haven't had a chance yet. It was the perfect way to end the Summer for the kids. One day isn't enough to see everything, especially if your keeping track of kids on rides but it was still fun & tiring.
I have some things on all of my Ebay (both), Just Beads & Etsy. Take a look if you have a chance.
This was just a quickie update. I'll get back to you soon, hopefully, with pictures.
Take care!!
The fair was a blast! I have to dig the pictures out of my camera phone but haven't had a chance yet. It was the perfect way to end the Summer for the kids. One day isn't enough to see everything, especially if your keeping track of kids on rides but it was still fun & tiring.
I have some things on all of my Ebay (both), Just Beads & Etsy. Take a look if you have a chance.
This was just a quickie update. I'll get back to you soon, hopefully, with pictures.
Take care!!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Fair Day!!
Today we are heading out to the Fair. The kids are so excited!!! We picked up Jimmy's daughter so we are taking the 4 youngest kids out. I will be taking them this afternoon & he'll meet us after work.
I finished my FMG entry but I don't know if it will make the deadline. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.
This is the last weekend until the start of school. I'm looking forward to getting them back in, but Connor is really going to miss them. He has one more year and then away he gooooeeeessssss.....
I still need to pick up some school supplies & get them new shoes but otherwise I think we're ready. I can't believe that Summer is coming to a close :-( I do enjoy Fall & already said I would do Thanksgiving this year so I should probably start planning.
I'll see ya all later!! Have a great day!!
I finished my FMG entry but I don't know if it will make the deadline. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.
This is the last weekend until the start of school. I'm looking forward to getting them back in, but Connor is really going to miss them. He has one more year and then away he gooooeeeessssss.....
I still need to pick up some school supplies & get them new shoes but otherwise I think we're ready. I can't believe that Summer is coming to a close :-( I do enjoy Fall & already said I would do Thanksgiving this year so I should probably start planning.
I'll see ya all later!! Have a great day!!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
I Really Enjoy.....
My weekends alone.....of course they are never totally alone but I truely do enjoy my time. Even if I don't get much done. Jimmy took the 2 youngest camping this weekend. They could hardly wait to go. My oldest boy decided to have some Mom time, although he would never admit to it. Last time Duncan stayed home to play in a soccer game and Dakota went camping, but when Dakota found out that Duncan got ice cream & pizza......well the tables turned. So Dakota decided to buy a new video game and now he is in heaven with ice cream & pizza (frozen) & a new vid to play.
Jimmy is looking forward to a weekend of staying home. The next weekend should be that one. We decided to forgo the beach this year but are taking the kids to the fair instead, which can easily cost a small fortune. We did pre-buy the wrist bands so that the kids can go on as many rides as they like with the extra $$$$.
I should have some new stuff up tomorrow or Monday........well see.
I hope you have enjoyed your Summer I can't believe it's almost over already. I just took my oldest (Dakota) down to register for middles school. One more year to go until my youngest starts.....Full time ART here I come!!!!!!! Well probably part time....but I'm coming anyway!!!!
Jimmy is looking forward to a weekend of staying home. The next weekend should be that one. We decided to forgo the beach this year but are taking the kids to the fair instead, which can easily cost a small fortune. We did pre-buy the wrist bands so that the kids can go on as many rides as they like with the extra $$$$.
I should have some new stuff up tomorrow or Monday........well see.
I hope you have enjoyed your Summer I can't believe it's almost over already. I just took my oldest (Dakota) down to register for middles school. One more year to go until my youngest starts.....Full time ART here I come!!!!!!! Well probably part time....but I'm coming anyway!!!!
Monday, August 20, 2007
I have been in kind of and up & down mood over the last few days. Things seem to be back to a more even keel now (no medication) and I'm getting things done again.
My main deadline is the FMG competition which is at the end of this month. I received my supplies today & finished my prototype too so I'm digging in.
School is just around the corner. Registration is this week for my oldest boy (middle school). I can't believe Summer is almost over. All in all I really can't complain. The weather has been really mild & I ended up enjoying the warm rain. The yard is a jungle but that's ok. We got a little bit of the blackberries chopped back but still have a bit to go.
My lampwork has been intermitent lately but I'll pick up on it again in a little bit. For now it's wire/metal smithing.
Back to my design.....enjoy your evening: )
Friday, August 10, 2007
Friday Already??
This is what happens when the end of Summer start to approach.........You blink and it's Friday, again.
I've posted pictures of a couple of rings I have been working on. The top ones are thanks to Eni Oken. One of her designs is the basis for the flower ring. A customer suggested I use one of my flowers in a ring design and I think it turned out pretty well, but both the flower and the ring need to be tweaked for me to be happy with them.
The bottom ring is not for the faint of heart. A big Pink Peruvian Opal with lots of copper wire & an accent pearl. I don't have this one up for auction yet but I do like it.
I've also been working on a proto-type design for the FMG contest. The deadline is the end of this month so times a wasting. I'm VERY HAPPY with the design that I've come up with & even if it doesn't make it into the semi-finals or finals it will be a design I will continue to tweak & play with.
Today I'm running my boys down for a visit with my Mom. A DVD movie afternoon for them & 3 hours, for me, to go to all the shops my boys hate going to. I could easily spend 3 hours in Barnes & Noble alone just looking at books & magazines, but I'm going to try & split my time between Trader Joe's & Jo Anne's too.
Happy Friday!!
Friday, August 03, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Actually I didn't have a network at all this morning. I think verizon does work in the morning (sometimes) that involves the network being down. I've had this happen twice in the last few days and it always seems that around 10AM everything will be back online again. A little pain in my butt, but I'll get over it.
I've been busy this morning paying bills, calling about insurance & just taking care of business in general. Today will be a jewelry day, if it kills me. The ideas are swirling & it's a little late for me to take to the torch.
The picture up top is of my daughters pretty.
Back to the wire :)
Sunday, July 29, 2007
The last few days were busy, busy, busy.........Starting on Wednesday (through Thursday) my girlfriend since 3rd grade came out with 3 of her kids. We had a great time talking about kids & life in general. She lives about an hour & a half away so we don't get together very often. Lately years have gone by.....shame on us.......but the kids got along wonderfully & we promised each other to get together more often.
Friday I ran down to my Mom's and took her to run errands. That was an all day excursion & I ended up renewing my Costco card and getting some shopping done too. I always enjoy spending time with my Mom.
Yesterday we ended up going out to look at cars for Brandy.......and she ended up buying one. A 2000 Ford Explorer. Very nice off of a lot. She's a very happy girl today. The payments are manageable & I'm pushing for her to pay it off early.
Between all of this I did get a few more auctions listed & today I'm going to try and get some jewelry made, between picking up toys from the hurricane (kids) that blew through in the last few days while I wasn't around.................
I didn't even get this posted yet and the day is pretty much over.......accck!
Well I hope you all had a relaxing weekend......back to business!!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
And What A Weekend It Was.....
For my Daughter. I have no doubt that she was glad to see this weekend come to an end. She was opening both days which means up at 3:30AM. I heard her leave Saturday only to hear the front door open again. I yell, "is everything ok?", she says no, that she backed the van into the ditch at the end of the driveway.........It was dark and the garbage men left the can in almost the middle of the driveway & she thought she could manuver around them without moving them.......needless to say the van was sitting at a very ackward angle so we gave her the loaner can & proceeded to pull the van out of the ditch, which really didn't take all that long (20min. tops). Sunday morning comes along and I hear her leave again only this time I heard a loud cry. I jump out of bed in a flash and run out to see her getting into the van & she's crying, I ask her if she's ok & she says she fell down the stairs but has to get going. I ask her again if she's ok and she says yes so I let her go. After work I ask her what her injuries were and she shows me this HUGE BLACK & BLUE bruise on her hinny. Poor kid!!! I told her it could have been much worse!! She could have broken a bone or something........anyway she's glad to see this weekend come to an end.
Jimmy & I have started clearing the blackberries on the back 1/2 acre of the property, by hand. It is definetly a 2 person job. We did get them cleared from around the shop which will deter the rodents from nesting in it. We hope to have is done before the end of Summer. I was going to clip a bit this morning but it was pouring rain again......they say it's going to start clearing up today.
So I'll be working at the torch & then working on some rings. I have a couple experimental rings made but I don't have pictures yet.
The boys headed up the road early today so the house is quiet. Time for me to get the show on the road.
Jimmy & I have started clearing the blackberries on the back 1/2 acre of the property, by hand. It is definetly a 2 person job. We did get them cleared from around the shop which will deter the rodents from nesting in it. We hope to have is done before the end of Summer. I was going to clip a bit this morning but it was pouring rain again......they say it's going to start clearing up today.
So I'll be working at the torch & then working on some rings. I have a couple experimental rings made but I don't have pictures yet.
The boys headed up the road early today so the house is quiet. Time for me to get the show on the road.
Friday, July 20, 2007
I think that for a lot of people out there Friday really isn't that big of a deal. Depending on the time of year it, for the most part it really doesn't make a difference to me. Sometimes my favorite days are Mondays......I know for some that doesn't make any sense but for me it can be a day of peace. I love my children! My worst nightmares are about something happening to them, but when Monday comes around and they head off to school, I sometimes breath a sigh of relief. I still have one little guy left to go & honestly I'll really miss it when he goes (to school) but call it a split personality......I'll also be happy to have some portion of the day to myself. For a few years now I've been a person who is very happy alone but I also realized (on Father's Day) that I've had my children & am in the process of raising them (which I don't mind at all) but that I'm done "giving birth". One of my cousins was at my parents for a party there and I didn't have that pang I usually have around new babies......I'm pretty sure that means I've reached the point of no-return in peri-menopause. I have no worries about having more children (I had that taken care of after Connor). I'm not going to say that I've entered the grandparent stage (AAAACCCCKKK!!!). My daughter shows no signs of even wanting to have children & at 18 seems to be on her way to a career even without a diploma (I didn't say that & I'm still pushing for her to get it!). I'm not going to be one of those parents waiting for grandchildren.....what can I say......I will be one of those grandparents that you need to call ahead of time to book me (I can still be flexible) but I don't tell my kids that I'm waiting for them to "get married" & "provide me with grandchildren". My main concern is just for them to be happy & fulfilled in life.
OK, I'll get off my box now. I'm working on a couple of new designs for rings &, of course, playing with lampworking.....
So back to TGIF....tomorrow is a work day for both Jimmy & I so....... TGIS.....right... ; )
Enjoy your evening...: )
OK, I'll get off my box now. I'm working on a couple of new designs for rings &, of course, playing with lampworking.....
So back to TGIF....tomorrow is a work day for both Jimmy & I so....... TGIS.....right... ; )
Enjoy your evening...: )
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I'm On Fire......
Not really but there were a couple of times sitting at the torch that it felt that way. Between a torch, a kiln & an electric fry pan it tends to get a little toasty. I've really been enjoying the warm rainy (tropical) weather.
At the suggestion of a customer I'm working on a new ring design & I'm going to try to make the Fire Mountain Gems (http://www.firemountaingems.com/) Jewelry contest deadline at the end of August. I've got a few designs spinning around my head but haven't quite nailed down which one I want to do yet. I might do them all and then decide (if I have time). I was a finalist in one of their contests a few years ago (see page 71, Necklaces, in the Gallery of Designs, Butterflies & Flowers # 0178) . I've been hanging out at their website the last couple of days trying to decide what to buy for my creations & I forgot that their prices are pretty darn good plus they now give a quantity discount on all items.
I have been hearing the clay calling again too but am putting that on the shelf for the moment. My ideas are leaning along the Christmas Ornament type so I'll probably start play with that again next month.
The kids are really enjoying their Summer even if we are staying home. They have lots to do & plenty of friends in the neighborhood to hang out with.
I added a few more auctions today. Check out the amethyst moon ring. It's really cool and was a lot of fun to make. The size is on the small side (wonderful pinkie ring) but I had a request to see if I could make smaller sizes.
Time to finally kick it for a bit. The kids are getting chimechangas for dinner.
Enjoy your evening : )
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