Friday, October 19, 2007

The Winds Of Change

Windy season has hit here & it's a little early. As the winds are blowing outside the winds of change are blowing inside. Jimmy & I have been in the middle of a reorganization of the house. He has been doing a big remodel for the job he's on and one of the fringe benefits has been to get some of there office furniture that was no longer needed & a couple of computers. This has led to a major overhaul of my office/work area, that has seriously eaten into my creative time. On the good side I will be much more efficient when we have finished, which will hopefully be this weekend.

Dakota's side ache is doing much better but we still don't know what the problem is. I'm beginning to suspect a food sensitivity of some kind. The ultrasound & blood work came back fine so the next step is a gastroentrologist.

Today is my voluteer day at the school. I really look forward to it. It's fun to watch Duncan & Connor is spending time at the neighbors. We are trading days. I take her little girl on Thurdays.

Halloween is quickly sneaking up on us & the kids can hardly wait. I'm a little concered about the weather but hopefully it won't be too wet & rainy.

I do have some listings up on both Ebays. Lots of neck ties if you'r into those at an excellent price. Take a peek if you have the time.

Enjoy your Friday, I should have some pictures of my new office up soon.

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