Thursday, January 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom & ..........

It's a Happy Birthday to my Mom, my son Connor & my nephew Bleu! We will be doing bigger celebrations at a later date. You all know who you are!

The kids won another day out of school from Mother Nature. We have less snow on the ground this time but it's a heck of a lot colder. I would estimate maybe 3-4".

See pictue out of my lampworking window......

Here are some samples of what I have been doing with the canes I've been creating. Besides glass I'm thoroughly addicted to caining and have actually been dreaming about it at night....ack!!

And a picture of some "practice" face scultping. Heavy on the word practice......

And last but not least a picture of one of my messy work tables/TV tray work areas.

Jim headed back to work today in the freezing cold. I know he wasn't happy about that (I wouldn't have been either) plus I think he was a little envious that I was lampworking/claying (playing) most of the day. He doesn't see when I'm posting or doing paperwork and forgets that there are other non-fun things that need to be done if you are going to market your wears. I do try to take advantage of the time that he's home, especially for lampwork. It is much easier when Connor is occupied by Daddy.

Today was spent shipping, listing & cleaning beads. My first set of Just Beads auctions ended today & I sold 3 out of the 5 items that I had up. I'm really pleased about that and have listed some other glass there. I have a couple of things up in my Ebay Art and will be listing a few more items with them tonight or tomorrow. I made up some new sets....kind of with Valenties Day in mind.

My daughter just informed me that they should be back in school tomorrow because all of the roads are clear.....yeah!

Off to get dinner started.
Take care & stay toasty!

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