I've decided to make the best of this weather. The forecast people are saying that by next week we should be closer to our "normal" range for this time of year......in the meantime we "may" get another inch or so of snow tomorrow...sigh..... :).
I'm posting a picture of a sampling of the head scarves I'm hemming. It's nice because you only have to buy about a 1/3 yard of fabric. I have quite the range of fabrics too, from cotton prints to brocades. I also have a stack of my stash that is scarve suitable fabric by the time I'm done I should have quite the selection. I might even opt to keep my hair short or to just keep wearing scarves no matter how long it gets. I've found a new fashion statement that suites me!
I'll be lampworking tomorrow. This afternoon we are heading to Chuck E. Cheese for a combination birthday for all of the boys. My daughter said she'd rather shoot herself in the head than go to "that place". For the record, it's not one of my favorite places but the little guys love it.
On the health front I kind of fell off the wagon for a couple of days but have now climbed back on. I have found that if I have a good protein breakfast I do much better throughout the day and into the evening. Cereal of any kind, even the healthy stuff makes me just want to keep eating so I'm nixing cereal for breakfast altogether. I have to step up the exercise again too, even if it's just walking.
I realized yesterday, that I started a healthy program last year and if I had stuck with it I wouldn't be doing this again NOW, I would just be working on maintaining instead of losing. It does make ya realize just how quick a year goes.
Ok, I'm off to do a quick workout before I get on with the day.
Take care!
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