Friday, January 05, 2007

Enough Already

It's predicted that another storm is moving in. A little snow was falling this morning when I dropped my daughter off for her debate tourney. Personally I'm ready for Spring......enough wind, rain & snow. Did I mention that we thought we had enough fire wood for the winter......well that didn't prove to be the case. I have, maybe a day left. Crap we are going to have to buy some compressed logs to get us through.......oh well, it just makes for better planning next year.

Our healthy lifestyle is continuing. So far so good, & I've already dropped a couple of pounds. I'm working out every other day. It's just enough to keep me in the game. I can remember a time when I would work out I think I would rather sleep in, then sit in front of the torch for the rest of the day.....ha! In my dreams. I forgot that it's a bit of work to get in shape. We are looking at it as a lifestyle change for the long term.

Dakota is home sick again today. Not a fun way to spend Friday plus he missed band so I know he really isn't feeling well. I'm hoping to spend some time claying today but the torch is going to have to wait. I received a new lampworking magazine yesterday called The Annealer. It's very good read. Lot's of info and maybe even a couple of new things to try with glass. I added a link on this page somewhere but I'm not sure how it will post. Call this a link experiment.......I'm learning as I go.......if you're into artistic glass/lampwork then check out this site when you have some time.

What kind of calender do you have for the New Year? Besides the one's I use for the kids school I picked up an assortment of really cool daily craft calendars. I've had them for a couple of months and could hardly wait for the new year so that they could be tried out. I have 4 that I couldn't resist.....origami, paper airplanes, beading & knitting. Each one is instruction in that particular craft and they have daily projects or information......VERY COOL!!!!! The boys love the paper airplanes (that includes the biggest boy/man). I've always liked origami but am a little retarted when it comes to understanding the folding instructions. We'll see if I make any progress this year. As for the beading & knitting......well.....I think you get the picture;) There's a link to these cool calendars at the bottom. They have lots of other cool offerings too.


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