Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Etsy Too!

And just like that I now have an Etsy shop. It still needs some fine tuning but I have 3 things up & that's a start. Here's the direct link & I'll add it to the side bar so it's always around. http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=88454. There's a couple more things in my ebay & justbeads has a few still hanging around.

I've got the blind coming tomorrow for their monthly donation so I've been franticly filling bags for them to take.

The rain is back, after a couple of days of dense fog & it's still a bit chilly but I'm REALLY looking forward to Spring.

I just finished a book that my sister gave to me for Christmas & I highly recommend it! It's called The Laws Of Spirit by Dan Millman....Great Book if you like books on Spirituality. www.amazon.com carries it.

I still have homework for my wire class to do.....

Take care!

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