I did our taxes today. I'm so glad that's out of the way!!! It's one of those things that hangs over your head until you get it done and the closer it gets to April 15th the more stressed you (I) get.
It snowed again today. Didn't stick but it's back to burrrr!! Yesterday started with rain but ended up Sunny and WINDY!!! I was going to get on and post but decided against it after the lights flashed a few times.
Tonight I'll be heading to the store after Jimmy gets home. Have I mentioned that I'm carless (not careless) for the moment. This will hopefully be short lived but for now I make due and "steal" Brandy's when I can or wait for Jimmy to get home from work. It's not a big deal but it will be good when I do have a reliable set of wheels to use.
A little crochet ring above and I'll be adding inexpensive readers (Granny's) to my creative side (Etsy).
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