Not this week but next week. Things behind the scenes seem to be coming together :) I've been working with a lot of clay and am feeling the need to get back behind the torch as I adjust to my new work schedule.
This last weekend I had my oldest son Dakota go with me on my Saturday morning run. He thought it was quite the adventure and I was very proud of how well he did. In fact with his help we shaved about 30 minutes off of my delivery time and he hopes to help out again in the future (weekends only during the school year). Jimmy helped with the Sunday delivery. I hate to say it but he wasn't as much fun, but a big help non the less. I think adults have a much harder time finding the adventure in it as kids do plus he's a huge fan of his own sleep time. Me, well I don't really mind it in the least. If I can come home and nap for an hour or two, I'm usually good to go for the rest of the day. A general observation about people doing this kind of work. Most have day jobs and the men are talkers. Does that sound odd?? I've always thought that women were the talkers, in most situations, but in the middle of the night men seem to be the ones who like to shoot the breeze. In fact I think my talk "center" is still asleep but everything else seems to be functioning just fine. This is nothing more than an interesting (I think) observation........
I've finished a few pieces of jewelry but haven't had the time to photograph them yet. I'm hoping to squeeze in some camera time before Halloween. Can you believe that October is almost over!? We have some spooky decorations hanging around, the boys had a ball decorating, but I highly recommend checking out this womans decorations, Notes From The Fae Side. Her decorations are the coolest!!!
I've posted a couple more pictures of ornaments up above and one of my lampwork tree goddess's. Just something to tide you over until I get to clicking with the camera again.
Enjoy your day!