I've been wire working mostly but am able to squeeze in some lampworking too. I love doing both but the glass requires a little more prep work and takes away attention from my 5 year old, which he doesn't appreciate. The wire work I can do while he's sitting with me. I'll be registering him for school within the next couple of weeks. I can hardly believe it!!!
I'm now a proud member of the Wire Artisans Guild! What a thrill! Here's a link to the blog http://www.thewireartisansguild.blogspot.com take a peek when you can. You get to see a fantastic array of work from a bunch of talented artists! The theme for this week is Magic, picked by me. The moon earrings were my entry for last weeks Nocturnal theme. I missed the week before that. Just too much going on.
Our truck was broken into today in the Fred Meyers parking lot. What a shock and total bummer. We were in the store for 20-30 minutes and according to the police this is now a common occurance in our area with all of the growth going on. We lost some tools and a few other things........man did it suck!!!
The kids don't have school tomorrow due to a teacher in service day so it will be a nice day with the boys.
Off to tuck them in. Have a wonderful evening!
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