I'm so hooked it's not funny & there is so much inspiration on Etsy that there are times when I spend more time looking than making! That, of course, is going to have to stop. The looking that is!! I'm shaping, pounding, and wrapping as often as I can and the ideas are flowing. I'm still doing lampwork too and trying to make some things that I can incorporate into my wire obsession.
The kids will be on Spring Break in a couple more weeks. Although I've never understood why our school district never has it right after Easter. I hope the weather warms up a bit more before then. We had a nice spread of some Spring like sun, but it seems we have reverted back to the cold rain and frost in the morning.
Easter was nice, we didn't do anything except watch movies (I worked on jewelry) all day. I highly recommend Tin Man. I think it was a Sci-Fi channel original mini-series. It's out on DVD now and is about 6 hours (3 parts). A very cool version of The Wizard Of OZ. Perfect for the fantasy lovers out there. I Am Legend is also really good! An edge of your seat thriller, especially if you like Will Smith. Enough of my movie reviews. I've got a hot kiln waiting for me.
Have a wonderful afternoon!