Friday, December 08, 2006

Lots Of Stuff

Boy did the last couple of weeks fly by. A lot happened.....We had about a foot of snow which kept the kids out of school for a week. My youngest got a BAD case of the flu which put him out of commission for a few days. My oldest turned 18 (sniff, sniff). I can't believe how quick it happened & she put our van in a ditch (icy roads). And last but certainly not least, my Mom had surgery on her brain to drain blood that had been acumulating over a period of time (the Dr.'s aren't sure how long). It really affected her badly and now that the blood is drained she is doing much better. Almost like a new person.........wheuuuu!!! I can say that I'm really glad those two weeks are over. We still have a little bit of snow on the ground but for the most part it's gone & I say "Adios". Can you tell that I'm not fond of snow?? I think it's beautiful to look at and fun to play in but's a good year when it doesn't snow. I DO NOT drive in it, unless absolutely necessary!!

I almost forgot to mention that my boys had their school concerts this week too and now those are done until next year which means they will be in the Spring. The school alternates between Winter & Spring each year.

I didn't get back to my torch until yesterday & I've got it heating up for today. Hopefully to squeeze in a few flowers. I have some flowers up on ebay and a beaded elephant collar and one of my polymer creations. These things are art that I created awhile ago but just decided to see if they will sell or not. I am working on more of everything because I have a short attention span & I love all of the different things I make. Alas there isn't enough hours in the day. This is a photo of my elephant collar. I actually made it a year ago but didn't finish it until recently. It has a different macrame "chain" but everything else is the same. My next beaded project has and Orca in it. Lately I've had this thing for owls too. I don't have a clue why but I just love them!

And my Mother Earth Vessel (only for the bold).

I thought I would just add a couple of photos of what I've been up to. I'm off to play at the torch (shower first) and on with the day!


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