Friday, September 09, 2011


Here are the two projects I was working and I have to tell you that the scarf (above), as easy as it is, well I ended up screwing it up when I got a bit of a tangle in the yarn. Of course, I forgot where I was, and ended up pulling the yarn through for a chain instead of making a ring like I was supposed to....oye! So that, I decided, was the end of that, for now anyway. I was just starting to work my way back down the other side, literally the first turn. Give it a week or so, and I will most likely go back and pull out my mistake, but redoing mistakes on tatting is not as easy as crochet, by pulling it out and starting again. Tatting, at least for me, requires cutting, and gently pulling out and then adding yarn back in.

The second project (yellow flower) was an experiment from Priscilla Tatting, Book 3. There is an edging in Flower Design, using Twisted Tatting, also known as Josephine Tatting. It's a fun design, but I only did one motif just to see what it was like. I really enjoyed "twisting" things for a different change of pace, but I need to note that I didn't use no. 30 crochet cotton, as called for in the directions, but instead used size 10 cotton for a much larger motif. With a little adjusting, I think it would be wonderful to put on a pair of jeans or maybe a hat.

Now that the kids are back in school I'm working on clearing two work areas. One for leather, and the other for clay. That is one of the wonderful things about Tatting and Crochet, you do NOT need any special areas to work in. However, I like to keep things interesting, and add a lot of variety to my work. I do "dominate" a bit of the house, but at least I keep it out of the kids rooms, the laundry room, and the kitchen (for now)  : )

Now to get back to work and maybe squeeze in an episode or two of True Blood before they get home from school.

Have a wonderful Friday!

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