Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Triple Digit Weather???

Maybe? That's what is predicted for today so I'm gonna make this quick since my computer's fan is working triple time and I don't know that it will be able to keep it up much longer. Since we don't have air-conditioning I'll just have to give it a break.

My naughty kitty will keep you company until I get back.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Heat Advisory....

So we may hit the 100's by Wednesday! Wooo hooo! Actually the bummer is that the heat saps your motivation/energy. Although I sat out the afternoon finishing up watching Torchwood: Children Of Earth. All I have to say about it, was that it was a mind blowing mini-series. Catch it on BBC America.

I'm finally dragging out my polymer after a few down days of car troubles and heat. I know I've been promising "things" for awhile but I'm finally working up to them and the ideas are starting to click in my little brain. In the meantime........

A $5 bouquet from the local farmers market.
Some candy cane and golden beets cooked up with some potatoes. The cool beets are from the market too.

A visitor that hung out on our deck for a day and hasn't been seen since. It was really cute and seemed to make itself at home. The boys were bummed, and so was I that he/she never came back.

And what boys do with my camera when they have far toooo much time on their hands. Speaking of hands...look closely......those are fingers.......NOT a hairy but!!!

Enjoy what's left of your Sunday!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Summer Is Off To A Great Start!

Aside from a bumpy beginning, Summer is truly off to a great start! The family re-union camp out was a blast! Here are the boys hangin with our pup.

The day before he was deathly afraid of crawdads, but he awoke the next morning ready too, not just touch one, but pick it up! Very cool!

There was a ton of wildlife. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of the rattlesnake Jimmy and I spooked. If rolled into the river and then slowly made it's way back out again. The picture above was on a morning walk we took and happened to catch some vultures sunning themselves.

We have been back for about a week and diligently working on the yard and house. All the broken down cars are gone (yeah!), and we've made several trips to the dump. This is in preparation for a new house next year.

This morning I noticed a new little friend hanging around the deck. I'll get pictures and post them tomorrow. I left some food out and am hoping he/she will get a little braver. The dog is chained up out there but it doesn't seem to bother this little guy.

My oxygen generator shipped out yesterday for repairs. Don't know how long it will take but lately it has been too hot to even consider sitting in front of a torch.

I didn't get a chance to work on anything creative while we were camping and it's taking a bit to get back into he groove since getting back, however I am working on a new clay "idea". Should have some results at the end of next week.

Time to get on with the day!

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Not Melting Glass

Looks like it's going to be shipped back for a once over. I was hoping to be back up and running with a new set of filters but it turns out that it's not the problem. Dang!

The last couple of weeks are ones I would prefer to forget. Too many surprises and none of them good. Yesterday was a nice break from everything up at Camano Island for a wonderful 4th of July celebration. Good people, good times!!

We are now preparing for a family reunion, next weekend, in Oregon. I'm really looking forward to it but also looking forward to settling back down for the rest of Summer and to get a jump start on my art. I don't expect that I'll see my generator before the end of July but hopefully sooner.

My clay has been sitting on one of my work tables "waiting" for me to create with it. I am way past due and have been doing more yarn yoga than anything else right now. I think it's helping to keep me centered. It's also my only "portable" art. To read more about my yarn yoga click on this link crochetchar.

I'll try to touch base again before we head out.

Have a great week!