Saturday, March 10, 2007


No car today. My honey had to work & my daughter had a tounament. I could have gotten up at 5AM and taken her but I felt like sleeping instead. Plus if I take her I have to pick her up and that usually means anywhere from 11PM to 1-2AM depending on how long the tournament runs. We do have one other vehicle but it runs when it wants to so I just prefer not to take it out until it's fixed.

Have I ever mentioned that we have a dog. She was an outdoor dog until she broke the lead on her dog run and now she is a permanent member of the inside of the house. She made the transistion with no problems. I was actually rather surprised. She hasn't had a single accident. She does like to chew & did ruin a mattress cover & one of the kids blankets, but I've taught her to chew the rawhide bones instead of burying them in imaginary dirt around the house. In truth I've never been a dog person. Cats have been my favorite for years but I really like the extra securtiy of having her around the house & I'm the one she usually shadows during the day. We are going to repair the lead so that she can have a chance to run on nice days & when we're gone, but she has been so good I can't imagine keeping her out all of the time.
I'm still working on my entries for the bead contests. I did put the last bit of glass up and some weekenders clothes that I have had around for years. I used to wear them but my style has changed a bit & I'm really working on thinning out my closet.
They are saying it's going to be stormy this weekend. Right now it's calm. Spring is definetely in the air. Don't forget to set your clocks ahead tonight. I really look forward to it staying lighter longer & it's gradually warming up. Yeah!!
Enjoy your weekend!

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