Jimmy is out chopping wood as I sit and continue to add to my Destash Etsy. As I look around the house and go through drawers I see probably hundreds of "creative" items that I've accumulated over the course of the last 20 years. I'm not kidding! Jewelry making magazines galore! Bead & Button, Jewelry Crafts, Lapidary Journal, Beadwork..........OMG! Not to mention, knitting needles, crochet hooks, fleece (fiber), yarn, beads, cabochons, neck ties (yes, you can create with these), scarves (and these too), books on just about every subject from doll making to jewelry making (various ways), painting, drawing, fabric, patterns, etc., etc., etc...........sorting through all of this and deciding what to get rid of is actually proving to be pretty easy. The hard part is what "I want" to keep.
Lots of patterns, magazines, books, neckties, scarves, fabric, some knitting needles and crochet hooks. You can only use so many needles/hooks at once and having more than 2 sets of each size.....well, that only promotes starting more than one project and I HAVE to STOP doing that so a bunch of those will start appearing in the next couple of weeks.
Definite keepers are the polymer clay, silver clay and my sculpting tools, along with quite a few beads and precious stones that have collected. Some kitting needles and crochet hooks (see above) cause those are long time things I've done that I'll never completely let go. All of my wire working and metal fabricating supplies STAY!
The hardest thing to let go of is my glass. Mostly rods since my generator won't be working anytime soon, and we need the money so badly. My kiln stays since I can still use that in other areas. My enamels are staying cause I know I want to try those in other areas.
There is still lots that I need to sort through and as hard as it is, it's also very freeing!!! The clutter of years of "all over the place" creativity are now starting to wind down. I don't feel like I need to try everything out there but I still want to keep my mind fresh and flowing with new ideas by trying new media now and then.
I will also start listing more creative things in my Emerald Dolphin Etsy too. It could use more exposure and instead of limiting it to one kind of media, I'm just going to start listing most everything (not all) that I make.
I'm still looking for work but it's been a LONG time since I've been out in the job market. My next cake decorating class is Thursday night. I can hardly wait! I baked two cakes yesterday but they both cracked on the top, so I'll need to trim them down to make em flat for frosting. Practice make perfect, right? Even when it comes to baking a cake. The boys don't care, of course, as long as they get to eat the end result at some point. I'll take pictures, as my decorating skills improve : )
So for now it's back to work, listing, Yeah ; )
I leave you with a couple of pics of crocheted necklaces that I need to add clasps too.
Have a great day!