Sunday, February 03, 2008

Well, What Do You Know.....

I whole month got away from me before I got around to posting again. I think this is kind of the slow part of Winter for me. I've had enough of the cold and am yearning for Spring. The kids have missed a couple of days of school and the flu is going around. My honey is working out of town during the week and I'm trying to drop a pound or 2 before Summer gets here.

I'm working on expanding my jewelry making & lampworking skills and haven't had much to post these days.

Today is Super Bowl Sunday, which really doesn't make much of a difference to me one way or the other. Jim & I are both hunkered in front of the computer and the kids are playing video games. It's one of "those day" where we're all just passing time until tomorrow.

Hope your having a nice weekend.